BrainBase a curated knowledgebase for brain diseases

1. Overview

Data Items Number
Brain diseases
Associations 6,690
Categories 5
Diseases 123
Genes 5,262
Publications 2,729
Associations 16,591
Drugs 2,118
Brain diseases 8
Targets 623
Publications 336
Omics signatures (Literature curation) 656
Genes 363
Publications 367
Groups of featured genes 4
Omics profiles 3
Multi-omics datasets 21
Specific genes
Brain-specific genes 639
Brain-region-specific genes 546
Brain-specific proteins 215
Cerebrospinal fluid detectable proteins 1,126
Cell markers 328

2. Brain diseases

2.1 Disease-gene associations

Alzheimer's DiseaseGliomaMultiple SclerosisAutism Spectrum DisorderAmyotrophic Lateral SclerosisParkinson's DiseaseEpilepsyNeuroblastomaStrokeSchizophreniaIntellectual DisabilityIntracranial AneurysmHuntington's DiseaseDown SyndromeMuscular DystrophyDystoniaCerebral PalsyCharcot-Marie-Tooth DiseaseRestless legs SyndromeBrain NeoplasmsAcute Ischemic StrokeNeurodegenerative DiseasePrader-Willi SyndromeDepression DisorderHydrocephalusCerebral IschemiaEncephalitisMeningiomaComaBipolar DisorderDysautonomiaCerebral MalariaAcute Cerebral InfarctionAnxiety DisorderTuberous SclerosisMotor Neurone DiseaseCerebral AneurysmAgenesis Corpus CallosumOthers

2.2 Disease-gene publications


2.3 Top 10 genes by publications


3. Drugs

3.1 Drug-target interactions

3.2 Brain diseases with drug-target interactions

Alzheimer's DiseaseParkinson's DiseaseGliomaGlioblastomaEpilepsyMedulloblastomaAutism Spectrum DisorderCerebral Palsy

3.3 Top 10 targets by drugs

TargetsDrugs NumberCXCL8HMOX1ESR1TP53BCL2BAXPTGS2IL6IL1BTNF0100200300400

4. Glioma

4.1 Top 10 signatures by associations


4.2 Hot signatures by publications


4.3 Types of glioma associated genes

4.4 Pathways of glioma associated genes

4.5 Glioma predicted featured genes
GroupsFeatured genesDCGsDMGsDEGsUDGs02,0004,0006,0008,00010,00012,000

5. Specific genes

5.1 Types of specific genes

5.2 Brain-region-specific genes

GenesBrain regions0306090120150180CerebellumCerebellar HemisphereSpinal cord (cervical c-1)HypothalamusNucleus accumbens (basal ganglia)Substantia nigraFrontal Cortex (BA9)CortexHippocampusPutamen (basal ganglia)