Transcriptome of ZH13/Wm82 in ~28 tissues and their homologous gene from pan-genome in 9 tissue.
Transcriptome of ZH13/Wm82 in ~28 tissues and their homologous gene from pan-genome in 9 tissue.
Transcriptome of ZH13 in 314 samples. Sampling covers 14 organs throughout the life cycle of soybean.
SpaTial Enhanced REsolution Omics-sequencing (Stereo-seq) for root, shoot apical meristem, stem and folded leaf in vegetative cotyledon (VC) stage, for nodule collected 5 days after inoculation with Rhizobium strain USDA-110 at the same stage.
Single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) for the same tissues in Stereo-seq. In addition, the shoot apical meristem, stem and folded leaf were integrated analyzed. The root, nodule and another nodule samples collected 3 days after inoculation with Rhizobium strain USDA-110 were integrated analyzed.
The VC Trans-Atlas is an integrated transcriptome atlas for five soybean organs at Vegetative cotyledon (VC) stage.
The gene expressions at whole organ, single cell and spatial level were displayed for root, nodule, shoot apical, stem and leaf.