DeeReCT-TSS_release DeeReCT-TSS: A novel meta-learning-based method annotates TSS in multiple cell types based on DNA sequences and RNA-seq data


DeeReCT-TSS: A novel meta-learning-based method annotates TSS in multiple cell types based on DNA sequences and RNA-seq data

This repository contains the implementation of DeeReCT-TSS from

Juexiao Zhou, Bin Zhang, et al. "DeeReCT-TSS: A novel meta-learning-based method annotates TSS in multiple cell types based on DNA sequences and RNA-seq data"

If you use our work in your research, please cite our paper:

Juexiao Zhou, Bin Zhang et al. DeeReCT-TSS: A novel meta-learning-based method annotates TSS in multiple cell types based on DNA sequences and RNA-seq data, 21 June 2021, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square []


The code is tested with the following dependencies:

  • python=3.6

  • biopython=1.78

  • bedtools=2.30.0

  • cudatoolkit=10.1.243

  • cudnn=7.6.5

  • numpy=1.19.2

  • scipy=1.5.2

  • pandas=1.1.3

  • scipy=1.5.2

  • scikit-learn 0.22.1

  • tensorflow-gpu=1.14.0

  • Seaborn 0.11.1

  • matplotlib=3.3.4

  • seaborn=0.11.1

  • samtools

The code is not guaranteed to work if different versions are used.

To analyze bam files with a size around 10G, each thread requires 4-5G memory when the job is splitted into 25 threads