Accession PRJCA005085
Title Impact of hyperoxia on mouse gut transcriptome
Relevance Medical
Data types Transcriptome or Gene expression
Organisms Mus musculus
Description Supplemental oxygen is the cornerstone of clinical medicine and usually exposes patients to excess oxygen, or hyperoxia. Hyperoxia induces oxidative stress and leads to gut injury. The gut plays a pivotal role in critical illness, and gut injury associated with gut barrier failure is common in severely ill patients. Recent literature highlights the gut injury induced by hyperoxia. Here, we performed the gut transcriptome analysis in mice exposed to hyperoxia to unveil the underlying mechanism of oxygen-induced gut injury. The mice were randomly divided into the control and the oxygen groups. The oxygen group was exposed to hyperoxia for 14 days, and the control group was reared under room air for 14 days. Animals were deeply anesthetized and euthanized. The distal small intestine (ileum) was harvested for transcriptome analysis. There was a total of 1747 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified in gut tissue under hyperoxia (FiO2 80%) and room air for 14 days. Of these, 1062 were up-regulated DEGs and 685 were down-regulated DEGs in oxygen vs. control. The DEGs were annotated into the KEGG pathways and the KEGG enrichment analysis produced 171 significant KEGG pathways (P<0.05). Our study paves the way for further researches focusing on oxygen-induced gut injury.
Sample scope gut tissues from the mice of the same strain
Release date 2021-07-07
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
34869425 Hyperoxia Provokes Time- and Dose-Dependent Gut Injury and Endotoxemia and Alters Gut Microbiome and Transcriptome in Mice Frontiers in Medicine 10.3389/fmed.2021.732039 2021
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BioMarker Company
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Department of Health of Guizhou Province gzwjkj2020-1-021
Submitter Zhouxiong Xing (
Organization Affiliated Hospital of Zunyi Medical University
Submission date 2021-05-13

Project Data

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BioSample (12)  show -
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CRA004276 Transcriptome analysis of hyperoxia-related gut injury