Accession PRJCA007178
Title Human macular corneal dystrophy study
Relevance Medical
Data types MicroArray
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description Macular corneal dystrophy (MCD) is classified as corneal stromal dystrophy. In this study, we retrospectively reviewed the surgical outcomes of 118 MCD patients receiving surgical treatment in the past 30 years and found patients receiving penetrating keratoplasty had the lowest recurrence rate 13.75%, compared with 40.91% patients receiving deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty and 25% receiving phototherapeutic keratectomy. Transcriptomic analysis in human corneal single-cell sequencing atlas found the MCD pathogenic gene CHST6 was abundant in corneal endothelium rather than other cell types. CHST6 protein showed a similar expression pattern to its mRNA. The mouse homologous gene Chst5 was 120-fold higher in corneal endothelium than in the epithelial and stromal layers. Mice with specifically Chst5 knockdown in the endothelial layer by microinjection of the adeno-associated virus serotype 9 - shRNA plasmids into the anterior chamber, rather than Chst5 knockdown into the stroma, showed MCD-like phenotypes. Corneal opacification and abnormally larger collagen fibrils were observed in the endothelial Chst5 knockdown mice. The same corneal characteristics were observed after overexpressing human CHST6 mutant R50H in the mouse endothelium. These observations indicating the pathogenesis of MCD is more related to the corneal endothelium rather than the stroma.
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2023-10-26
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
37480470 The role of corneal endothelium in macular corneal dystrophy development and recurrence Science China Life Sciences 10.1007/s11427-023-2364-3 2023
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation ZR2020QH140
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 82101091
Academic Promotion Program and Innovation Project of Shandong First Medical University 2019ZL001
Academic Promotion Program and Innovation Project of Shandong First Medical University 2019RC008
Submitter Qingjun    Zhou  (
Organization Shandong First Medical University
Submission date 2021-11-11

Project Data

Resource name Description