Accession PRJCA007561
Title Dynamics and distribution of 18O labelled active bacterial communities and their potential function in soil aggregates
Relevance Environmental
Data types Metagenome
Organisms soil metagenome
Description To find the influence of 18O DNA-SIP technology in active bacteria and to find different function among days and aggregates.
Sample scope Environment
Release date 2023-11-15
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 2021YFD1900300
Submitter chen xiao    ding  (
Organization Zhejiang University
Submission date 2021-12-14

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (104)  show -
GSA (3) -
CRA005780 Dynamics and distribution of 18O labelled active bacterial communities and their potential function in soil aggregates
CRA005628 Dynamics and distribution of 18O labelled active bacterial communities and their potential function in soil aggregates old item
CRA011529 soil viruse