Accession PRJCA007829
Title Human peripheral blood leucocytes DNA methylation chip
Relevance Medical
Data types Epigenomics
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description DNA methylation is an important epigenetic regulatory mechanism and plays a critical role in regulating gene expression. Previous studies showed that DNA methylation inhibited transcription and that hypomethylation increased downstream gene expression levels. Site-specific DNA methylation is associated with many complex human diseases. Studies have shown that global genomic DNA methylation in peripheral blood correlates with the severity of hypertension. Therefore, screening the changes of DNA methylation may reveal the mechanisms of hypertension and provide theoretical guidance for prevention and treatment of hypertension. 132 individuals (hypertensive patients, pre-hypertensive patients, and healthy controls) who were enrolled and subjected to a genome-wide methylation analysis using the Illumina 450K BeadChip.
Sample scope Multiisolate
Release date 2022-02-04
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
No funding support
Submitter Jiayun    Liu  (
Organization Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University (Air Force Medical University)
Submission date 2022-01-05

Project Data

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