Accession PRJCA008801
Title The base of nucleoside monophosphate has a major influence on the microalgae-bacteria symbiotic system
Relevance energy security
Data types Raw sequence reads
Organisms soil metagenome
Description Biodiesel produced by microalgae was considered an ideal way to generate clean energy and bio-fixation on CO2, which is completely in line with the concept of carbon neutrality. But the harvest of microalgae is always the challenging part of the whole process. Till now several methods have been developed including, chemical coagulation/flocculation, auto and bio-flocculation, gravity sedimentation, flotation, electrical-based processes, filtration and centrifugation. Among these methods, biological methods are most concerned as they are environmentally friendly and cost-effectively.
Sample scope Synthetic
Release date 2024-03-23
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 51861125103
National Key R&D Program of China 2021YFE011161
Submitter Yuzi    Xing  (
Organization Beijing Normal University
Submission date 2022-03-22

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (24)  show -
GSA (1) -
CRA006450 The base of nucleoside monophosphate has a major influence on the microalgae-bacteria symbiotic system