Accession PRJCA009893
Title Integrated single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomics reveals cell type specific regulatory modules during soybean nodule development
Relevance Agricultural
Data types Raw sequence reads
Organisms Glycine max
Description Integrated single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomics reveals cell type specific regulatory modules during soybean nodule development
Sample scope Single cell
Release date 2023-02-08
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
37055554 Integrated single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomics captures transitional states in soybean nodule maturation Nature Plants 10.1038/s41477-023-01387-z 2023
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
No funding support
Submitter Zhijian    Liu  (
Organization Southern University of Science and Technology
Submission date 2022-06-04

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (5) -
SAMC802307 ST data1
SAMC796521 root sn
SAMC796520 mature nodule st
SAMC796519 mature nodule sn
SAMC796517 developing nodule sn
GSA (2) -
CRA007232 Integrated single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomics reveals essential regulators for soybean nodule symbiosis establishment
CRA007122 Integrated single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomics reveals distinct subtypes of soybean nodule cells