Accession PRJCA011637
Title The miRNA resequencing data of lung cance
Relevance Medical
Data types Genome sequencing
Organisms Homo
Description MicroRNAs in circulating small extracellular vesicles have been suggested to be potential biomarkers for cancer diagnosis. The present study was designed to explore whether plasma-derived sEV miRNAs could be utilized as diagnostic biomarkers for differentiating between early-stage small cell lung cancer and early-stage non-small cell lung cancer.
Sample scope Multiisolate
Release date 2022-09-05
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
36229645 Evaluation of circulating small extracellular vesicle-derived miRNAs as diagnostic biomarkers for differentiating between different pathological types of early lung cancer Scientific Reports 10.1038/s41598-022-22194-0 2022
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
No funding support
Submitter Ping    Wang  (
Organization Fourth Hospital of Hebei Medical University
Submission date 2022-09-03

Project Data

Resource name Description