Accession PRJCA011744
Title Metabolom of pepino
Relevance Agricultural
Data types metabolomic
Organisms Solanum muricatum
Description Different soil nutrients affect the accumulation characteristics of plant metabolites. To investigate the differences among the metabolites of pepino grown in greenhouses on the Loess Plateau in northwest China, we investigated the main soil nutrients and their correlation with metabolites.
Sample scope metabolomic from different regions
Release date 2022-09-08
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Special Project for the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements in Qinghai Province 2020-NK-121
Key Laboratory Project of Qinghai Science & Technology Department 2020-ZJ-Y02
Qinghai Agriculture and Forestry Science Innovation Fund 2021-NKY-02
Submitter Zhu    Sun  (
Organization Qinghai university
Submission date 2022-09-07

Project Data

Resource name Description