Accession PRJCA011751
Title systemic immunity in the preoperative chemotherapy of gastric adenocarcinoma
Relevance Medical
Data types Genome sequencing and assembly
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description systemic immunity in the preoperative chemotherapy of gastric adenocarcinoma
Sample scope Multiisolate
Release date 2022-09-07
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
36724786 Multiplex immune profiling reveals the role of serum immune proteomics in predicting response to preoperative chemotherapy of gastric cancer Cell Reports Medicine 10.1016/j.xcrm.2023.100931 2023
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University N/A
Submitter Zhang    Ziwei  (
Organization Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University
Submission date 2022-09-07

Project Data

Resource name Description