Accession PRJCA011969
Title Clinical trials evaluating the tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of HEC110114 tablets in patients with sofosbuvir tablets in hepatitis C patients with sofosbuvir tablets
Relevance Medical
Data types Metabolome Data
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description The project enrolled 24 patients with chronic hepatitis C who were newly treated, non-cirrhosis, to evaluate the tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics of heC110114 tablets in single-centered, randomized, open, sofosbuvir-controlled multi-dose incremental administration of hepatitis C patients in newly treated chronic hepatitis C patients
Sample scope Metabolome Data
Release date 2023-01-31
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Sunshine Lake Pharma Co.,Ltd. NA
Submitter Yanhua    Ding  (
Organization The First Hospital of Jilin University
Submission date 2022-09-19

Project Data

Resource name Description