Accession PRJCA012608
Title sheep skeletal muscle RNA-seq
Relevance Agricultural
Data types Transcriptome or Gene expression
Raw sequence reads
Organisms Ovis aries
Description RNA-seq of sheep with MSTN and FGF5 double gene knockout
Sample scope Multiisolate
Release date 2022-10-31
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
36917699 Global Long Noncoding RNA Expression Profiling of MSTN and FGF5 Double-Knockout Sheep Reveals the Key Gatekeepers of Skeletal Muscle Development DNA and Cell Biology 10.1089/dna.2022.0574 2023
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Transgenic Creature Breeding Grand Project National Transgenic Creature Breeding Grand Project 2016zx08008-003 National Transgenic Creature Breeding Grand Project
Submitter Mingming    Chen  (
Organization China Agricultural University
Submission date 2022-10-19

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (6)  show -
GSA (1) -
CRA008539 sheep skeletal muscle RNA-seq