Accession PRJCA012671
Title Phylogenetic evidence reveals early Kra-Dai divergence and dispersal in the late Holocene
Relevance Evolution
Data types mitochondrial DNA sequences
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description Studying language evolution brings a crucial perspective to bear on questions of human prehistory. Kra-Dai language family exhibits tremendous socio-cultural predominance in East and Southeast Asia which is the most linguistically diverse in the world. Due to limited historical accounts, however, the divergence and dispersal of Kra-Dai languages remain great controversial. Here, we used large lexical root-meaning data and Bayesian phylogenetic methods to construct a phylogeny of 100 Kra-Dai languages. The dated phylogenetic trees showed the initial divergence of Kra-Dai languages approximately 4,000 years ago and then the phylogeographic models revealed the dispersal routes of the Kra-Dai peoples from coastal South China toward Mainland Southeast Asia. Coupled with genetic, archaeological, paleoecologic, and paleoclimatic data, we demonstrated that the Kra-Dai language diversification could coincide with their demic diffusion and agricultural spread driven by the global climate change in the late Holocene. These interdisciplinary alignments shed light on reconstructing the prehistory of Kra-Dai languages and provide an indispensable piece of the puzzle for further studying prehistoric human activities in East and Southeast Asia.
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2023-08-15
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
37903755 Phylogenetic evidence reveals early Kra-Dai divergence and dispersal in the late Holocene Nature Communications 10.1038/s41467-023-42761-x 2023
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Excellent Young Scientists Fund T2122007
Submitter menghan    Zhang  (
Organization Fudan University
Submission date 2022-10-21

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (41)  show -