Accession PRJCA013318
Title Patient-specific tumor-informed circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) analysis for molecular residual disease (MRD) detection in surgical patients with stages I-IV colorectal cancer (CRC).
Relevance Medical
Data types Targeted Locus (Loci)
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description The brprophet assay was designed to track patient-specific somatic variants based on whole-exome sequencingof the tumor tissue and matched white blood cells. Fixed panel with informed calling and fixed panel with agnostic calling assays were performed in a subset of patients with a 168-gene panel spanning 273 kb of the human genome for a head-to-head comparison.
Sample scope Multiisolate
Release date 2022-11-22
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
No funding support
Submitter Di    Cao  (
Organization Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center (SYSUCC)
Submission date 2022-11-18

Project Data

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