Accession PRJCA013698
Title Transcriptome sequencing data of Kir2.1 transgenic mice before and after spatial learning memory training
Relevance Model organism
Data types Transcriptome or Gene expression
Organisms Mus musculus
Description Transcriptome sequencing data of Kir2.1 transgenic mice before and after spatial learning memory training. Simultaneous sequencing of cortex and hippocampus was performed. RNA-sequencing was used to screen the homeostasis regulation and cognitive related gene candidates.
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2023-02-06
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
36909282 Forebrain E-I balance controlled in cognition through coordinated inhibition and  inhibitory transcriptome mechanism Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 10.3389/fncel.2023.1114037 2023
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) NSFC-Guangdong Joint Fund-U20A6005 ZDSYS20200828154800001
Science and Technology Planning Project of Henan Province Science and Technology Planning Project of Henan Province 212102310824
Submitter You    Cai  (
Organization Shenzhen University
Submission date 2022-12-06

Project Data

Resource name Description