Accession PRJCA014670
Title microbial composition in relation to the accumulation of antimicrobial resistance genes in urban water habitats
Relevance Environmental
Data types Metagenome
Organisms Bacteria
Description Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) was employed to further highlight the microbial composition and ARGs distribution in the water habitats of urban residential regions, hospital surrounds, and natural wetlands. To further investigate the primary contributing variables of ARGs distribution in Wenzhou, China, the mNGS data were additionally connected with water quality parameters for static analysis. This study will enrich our understanding of MDR bacterial strains, ARGs, and their corresponding abundance and distribution in urban water habitats.
Sample scope Environment
Release date 2023-02-01
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Soochow university 20230201
Submitter guilai    jiang  (
Organization Soochow University
Submission date 2023-01-29

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (20)  show -
GSA (1) -
CRA009676 microbial composition in relation to the accumulation of antimicrobial resistance genes in urban water habitats