Accession PRJCA014947
Title Data from nCounter PanCancer IO360TM panel sequencing of a ALK rearranged locally advanced lung adenocarcinoma
Relevance Medical
Data types Transcriptome or Gene expression
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description Here, we present a patient with locally advanced lung adenocarcinoma associated with EML4-ALK fusion mutation, who received neoadjuvant chemotherapy and alectinib treatment, and then underwent thoracoscopic left lower lung lobectomy. The patient initially received eight chemotherapy cycles owing to financial reasons and achieved partial remission. After eight cycles of chemotherapy, the lymph nodes in the hilar region again enlarged, suggesting that the patient was resistant to chemotherapy. The patient was then switched to 4 months of alectinib therapy, but no significant lesion changes were detected on imaging during this period. This raised the question of whether the patient developed alectinib resistance. A left lower lung lobectomy was performed considering lesion shrinkage after chemotherapy. The pathological findings of the postoperative lung lobe specimens indicated extensive necrosis in the tumor area with no residual tumor cells and massive chronic inflammatory cell infiltration around the tumor area, confirming inconsistency between the imaging findings and pathological results. Multi-point tumor specimen sampling was postoperatively performed. Tumor immune-related gene expression was detected in the sample with the help of the PanCancer IO360TM panel based on the nCounter platform. This clarified intratumor heterogeneity at the immune landscape level.
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2023-08-16
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
37663243 Case Report: ALK rearranged locally advanced lung adenocarcinoma showing inconsistent radiographic findings and pathological responses during neoadjuvant alectinib therapy Frontiers in Pharmacology 10.3389/fphar.2023.1140894 2023
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) General Program 82072595
Submitter Peijun    Cao  (
Organization Tianjin Medical University General Hospital
Submission date 2023-02-14

Project Data

Resource name Description