Accession PRJCA015171
Title OH2 oncolytic viral has a powerful antitumor effect in glioblastoma
Relevance Medical
Data types Exome
Transcriptome or Gene expression
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description We performed RNA-seq on samples (U87_count and Case1_count) before and after OH2 treatment to analyze the molecular mechanism of OH2-induced tumor regression. Primary cells from 3 OH2 treatment-sensitive patients (Case2; Case10; Case11) and 3 insensitive patients (Case3; Case9; Case12) for RNA-seq. Whole exome sequencing was performed on 8 patients to infer differences in genomic alterations between OH2-sensitive and OH2-insensitive patients.
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2024-02-29
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
38537773 OH2 oncolytic virus: A novel approach to glioblastoma intervention through direct targeting of tumor cells and augmentation of anti-tumor immune responses Cancer Letters 10.1016/j.canlet.2024.216834 2024
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Beijing Tiantan Hospital N/A Horizontal scientific research in Beijing Tiantan Hospital
Submitter Wenbin    Li  (
Organization Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University
Submission date 2023-02-23

Project Data

Resource name Description