Accession PRJCA015891
Title Lolium perenne L. cultivated soil environments
Relevance Agricultural
Data types Metagenome
Organisms Lolium perenne
soil metagenome
Description This project is to study changes in the metagenome of soil samples cultivated with Lolium perenne L. Soil was taken from the non forest land in North Mountain of Ludong University, and put into pots. We planted ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) for one season in these pots. During this growth season, soil nutrients in different concentrations were added, combined with simulated nitrogen deposition. After a season of growth, soil was collected for metagenome high throughput sequencing analysis.
Sample scope Environment
Release date 2023-04-10
Data provider
Data provider Data provider URL
Shanghai Genesky Biotechnologies Inc.
Biomaterial provider Yanlin Sun
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
No funding support
Submitter Yanlin Sun (
Organization Ludong University
Submission date 2023-03-28

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (27)  show -
GSA (1) -
CRA010448 Lolium perenne L. cultivated soil environments