Accession PRJCA016069
Title Structures and mechanism of the plant auxin transporters
Relevance Agricultural
Data types protein 3D structure
Organisms Arabidopsis thaliana
Description As the first plant hormone identified, auxin participates in almost every process of plant growth and development. In plants, PIN, ABCB and AUX1/LAX families are a group of carrier proteins that mediate auxin transport, which is important for the respective auxin maxima and minima. In this project, we will try to determine the three-dimensional structures of these key transporters and the molecular mechanism of the auxin transport. The structural and functional studies of these transporters will enrich our understanding on the molecular mechanism of the polar auxin transport and set up a basis for the design of auxin analogues for agricultural use.
Sample scope pdb
Release date 2023-04-04
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) XDB37000000
Submitter Xin    Liu  (
Organization University of Science and Technology of China
Submission date 2023-04-04

Project Data

Resource name Description