Accession PRJCA016770
Title Multi-color transscale super-resolution imaging probe and method
Relevance Evolution
Data types Imaging data
Organisms unidentified
Description Super-resolution microscopy and super-resolution Correlative Light & Electron Microscopy can reveal the distribution and changes of biological macromolecules at different temporal and spatial resolutions scales. They are important research methods and advanced technologies in the field of life sciences.Among them, fluorescence super-resolution microscopy achieves static positioning and dynamic tracking of target molecules at the nanoscale, providing information across time scales; Correlative Light & Electron Microscopy integrates the nanoscale positioning of specific molecules with the subnanometer ultrastructure of the cellular environment to provide information across spatial scales.
Sample scope Synthetic
Release date 2023-05-10
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Strategic Priority Research Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) XDB37000000 Multi-color transscale super-resolution imaging probe and method
Submitter Pingyong    Xu  (
Organization Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date 2023-05-05

Project Data

Resource name Description