Accession PRJCA018601
Title mNGS
Relevance Medical
Data types Metagenome
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description This report, we present a unique case of chronic hydropneumothorax with pulmonary infection caused by Enterobius vermicularis. The patient, a 55-year-old Chinese man, presented with a persistent cough and shortness of breath for over 5 months. Following a thoracoscopic pathological biopsy, histopathology of the parietal pleura indicated eosinophil infiltration, which was subsequently confirmed by high-throughput sequencing as Enterobius vermicularis.
Sample scope Environment
Release date 2023-07-30
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
No funding support
Submitter Guo    Tang  (
Organization West China Hospital of Sichuan University
Submission date 2023-07-26

Project Data

Resource name Description