项目编号 PRJCA022964
项目标题 Regulation of lipid metabolism and Tcells via mTOR by mesenchymal SLE
涉及领域 Medical
数据类型 lipidomics
物种名称 Homo sapiens
描述信息 1) To verify the pathogenic role of DNT cells in lupus patients and lupus-prone mice; 2) To explore the intracellular mechanism of DNT involvement in the pathogenesis of lupus.
样品范围 Monoisolate
发布日期 2024-01-30
机构 项目类型 授权项目ID 授权项目名称
National Key Resarch and Development Program of China 2019YFE0111700
提交者 Wenjing  Li (Liwenjing20210426@163.com)
提交单位 The affiliated Drum Tower Hospital of Nanjing University Medical School
提交日期 2024-01-18


资源名称 描述