Accession PRJCA023598
Title Effects of simulated microgravity on current generation of electrochemically active bacteria: insights from case-control study using random positioning machine
Relevance Environmental
Data types Metagenome
Organisms metagenome
Description Analysis the changes of simulated microgravity on the electrochemically active bacteria.
Sample scope Environment
Release date 2024-02-16
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Natural Science Foundation of China 32200106
Submitter Yue    Yi  (
Organization Beijing Institute of Technology
Submission date 2024-02-16

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (4) -
SAMC3371014 DM2
SAMC3371013 DM1
SAMC3371012 WZL2
SAMC3371011 WZL1