Accession PRJCA023891
Title A pathological joint-liver axis mediated by matrikine-activated CD4+ T cells
Relevance Medical
Data types Transcriptome or Gene expression
Organisms Mus musculus
Description The knee joint has long been considered a closed system. The pathologic effects of joint disease on distant organs have not been studied. Here, our clinical data showed that post-traumatic joint damage combined with joint bleeding (hemarthrosis) caused worse liver function compared to healthy control. Using a mouse model, hemarthrosis induces both cartilage degeneration and distant liver damage. Next, we found that hemarthrosis induces the upregulation in ratio and differentiation towards Th17 cells of CD4+ T cells in peripheral blood and spleen. Deletion of CD4+ T cells reversed hemarthrosis-induced liver damage. Degeneration of cartilage matrix induced by hemarthrosis upregulates serological type II collagen (COLII), which activates CD4+ T cells. Systemic application of a COLII antibody blocks this activation. Furthermore, bulk RNAseq and single cell qPCR analysis revealed that the cartilage Akt pathway is inhibited by blood treatment. Intra-articular application of Akt activator blocks cartilage degeneration and thus protects against liver injury in mouse and pig models. Taken together, our study revealed a pathological joint-liver axis mediated by matrikine-activated CD4+ T cells, which updates the organ-crosstalk axis and provides a new treatment target for hemarthrosis-related diseases.
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2024-05-30
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
38714712 A pathological joint–liver axis mediated by matrikine-activated CD4+ T cells Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy 10.1038/s41392-024-01819-y 2024
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Science Fund for Creative Research Groups T2121004
Submitter Hongwei     Ouyang  (
Organization Zhejiang University
Submission date 2024-02-27

Project Data

Resource name Description