Accession PRJCA024049
Title The Establishment and Identification of a Common HLA-Typed iPSC Resource Bank
Relevance Medical
Data types Raw sequence reads
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description This study outlines the establishment and characterization of a common HLA-typed induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) resource bank, aimed at advancing regenerative medicine and immunology. By reprogramming somatic cells from diverse donors, we created iPSC lines representing a broad spectrum of HLA types. Rigorous assessments confirmed their HLA typing, pluripotency, differentiation capability, and genomic stability. This resource bank is poised to enhance personalized and universal cell therapy applications by reducing immune rejection risks. It also offers a unique platform for exploring HLA's role in disease modeling, drug testing, and immune response studies, potentially accelerating the adoption of iPSC-based therapies and deepening our understanding of immune mechanisms. Future efforts will expand the bank's HLA diversity and explore its biomedical applications.
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2024-03-10
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
Ministry of Science and Technology of the People's Republic of China (MOST) National Key Technologies R&D Program 2019YFA0110200
Submitter Jiekai    Chen  (
Organization Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date 2024-03-04

Project Data

Resource name Description