Accession PRJCA028123
Title Inactivation of Malic Enzyme 1 in Endothelial Cells Alleviates Pulmonary Hypertension
Relevance Medical
Data types metalobome
Organisms Homo sapiens
Description We found that ME1 protein level and enzymatic activity were highly elevated in lung tissues of patients and mice with PH, primarily in vascular endothelial cells. Global knockout of ME1 protected mice from developing hypoxia- or SuHx-induced PH. Endothelial-speciffc ME1 deletion similarly attenuated pulmonary vascular remodeling and PH development in mice, suggesting a critical role of endothelial ME1 in PH.
Sample scope Monoisolate
Release date 2024-07-16
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
Inactivation of Malic Enzyme 1 in Endothelial Cells Alleviates Pulmonary Hypertension circulation 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.123.067579 2024
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Key Research and Development Program of China 2022YFA0806302
Submitter wei    li  (
Organization Institute of Basic Medical Sciences Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, School of Basic Medicine Peking Union Medical College
Submission date 2024-07-16

Project Data

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