Accession PRJCA034283
Title Tolerance Mechanisms of Mirabilis jalapa to Cd and TPH Pollution Under Elevated CO2
Relevance Environmental
Data types Metagenome
Organisms soil metagenome
Description Joint Omics Analysis to Reveal the Tolerance Mechanisms of Mirabilis jalapa L. to Cd and TPH Pollution Under Elevated CO2
Sample scope Environment
Release date 2024-12-28
Agency program Grant ID Grant title
National Key Research and Development Program 2023YFC3709001
Submitter jianv Liu (
Organization Nankai University
Submission date 2024-12-28

Project Data

Resource name Description
BioSample (24)  show -
GSA (1) -
CRA021691 Metagenome of Mirabilis jalapa to Cd and TPH Pollution