Accession PRJNA1071643
Title RNA-seq analysis of wild-type HEK293, HEK293 treated with DMSO, ML216 or NSC617145, wild-type mESCs and dhx9KO mESCs
Relevance Unknown
Data types Transcriptome or Gene expression
Sample scope Multispecies
Description G4s are built by stacked guanine tetrads connected via Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds and can be formed by intra- or inter-molecular folding of the tetramers. R-loops are three-stranded structures which contain a DNA-RNA hybrid and a displaced single-stranded DNA. Both G4s and R-loops are involved in key biological processes, including transcriptional regulation, replication, genomic instability, class switch recombination in B cells, DNA damage and repair, and telomere maintenance. To understand the transcriptional regulation of G4s and R-loops, we performed the RNA-seq analysis on HEK293 cells treated with the inhibitors of G4 resolving helicase ML216 or NSC617145 and mESCs in which the resolving helicase DHX9 of G4 and R-loop was knockout. Overall design: To investigate the effect of ML216 and NSC617145 in HEK293,we treated HEK293 with corresponding helicase inhibitors and performed RNA-seq. To invistegate the effect of Dhx9 in mESC,we established dhx9 knockout mESC using CRISPR/Cas9 and performed RNA-seq.
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Organization Sichuan University
Data Source NCBI

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