Accession PRJNA1073516
Title Whole genome sequencing for Terrazzo corn snake mapping
Relevance Evolution
Data types Raw sequence reads
Sample scope Multispecies
Description We crossed a homozygous Terrazzo male corn snake(tz/tz genotype) with two heterozygous females (tz/+) to obtain homozygous and heterozygous offspring for the Terazzo locus. We sequenced whole-genome libraries of the two parental DNA samples and of two DNA pools from homozygous and heterozygous offspring in order to retrieve a mutation concordant with the Terrazzo genotype.
External link
Link description
LANE website
Organization Center for Applied Medical Research
Data Source NCBI

Project Data

Resource name Description
Experiment (4) -
SRX23535346 Whole Genome Sequencing Terrazzo Male
SRX23535347 Whole Genome Sequencing Heterozygous tz/+ Female
SRX23535348 Whole Genome Sequencing Pooled Terrazzo offspring
SRX23535349 Whole Genome Sequencing Pooled Heterozygous tz/+ offspring