Accession PRJNA983538
Title soil metagenome Genome sequencing and assembly
Relevance Agricultural
Data types Genome sequencing and assembly
Sample scope Environment
Organism soil metagenome [Taxonomy ID: 410658]
Description We conduct the first large-scale excavation of soil microbial dark matter by reconstructing 40,039 metagenome-assembled genome bins (the SMAG catalog)
PubMed ID Article title Journal name DOI Year
37951952 A genomic catalogue of soil microbiomes boosts mining of biodiversity and genetic resources. Nature communications 2023
Biogeographic patterns and drivers of soil viromes Nature Ecology & Evolution 10.1038/s41559-024-02347-2 2024
Organization Zhejiang University
Data Source NCBI

Project Data

Resource name Description
Experiment (363)  show -