Accession PRJCA000184
Title XDA08020108
Umbrella project

MMDB: Molecular Module-based Designer Breeding Systems

XDA08020000: Analysis of module systems and their coupling effects

XDA08020100: High-throughput analysis of molecular module systems

XDA08020108: Analysis of molecular module systems for high yield and grain shape in rice

Data types Whole genome
Organisms Oryza sativa
Description In order to improve rice production and quality , this study was carried out about rice grain size and resistance to rice blast. The achievement will helpful for rice molecular design breeding.
Sample scope Kongyu131
Release date 2020-01-03
Submitter Zixuan    Wang  (
Organization Shanghai Institues for Biological Sciences
Submission date 2016-02-19

Project Data

Resource name (Count) File Size (MB)
BioSample (1) -
GSA (1) -
CRA000066 42,063.01