Accession SAMC1008595
Sample name Aselliscus stoliczkanus-Kidney-1
Title RNA-seq of Aselliscus stoliczkanus Kidney 1
Sample type Model organism or animal sample
Organism Aselliscus stoliczkanus
Description The maximum lifespan varies more than 100-fold in mammals. This experiment of nature may uncover of the evolutionary forces and molecular features that define longevity. To understand the relationship between gene expression variation and maximum lifespan, we carried out a comparative transcriptomics analysis of liver, kidney, and brain tissues of 106 mammalian species.
Biomaterial provider Institute of zoology, CAS, Xuming Zhou
Sex male
Tissue Kidney
Birth date
Birth location
Breed history
Breed method
Cell line
Cell subtype
Cell type
Collected by
Culture collection
Death date
Development stage
Disease stage
Geographic location
Growth protocol
Health state
Isolation source
Latitude and longitude
Type Biological1
Specimen voucher
Storage conditions
Stud book number
Release date 2023-05-31
BioProject Accession PRJCA013549
Submitter Xuming  Zhou  (
Organization Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date 2022-11-29

Sample Data

Resource name Description
GSA (1) -
CRA009075 Transcriptomic and selection signatures of longevity in mammals
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