样本编号 SAMC2075612
外部数据库编号 GSA-Human: HRS365037
样品名称 P101SC_week15
样本标题 P101SC_15week
样品类型 Human sample
物种名称 Homo sapiens
描述信息 bone marrow blood samples after transplantation for 15 weeks
样本属性 *由于样本关联的数据集HRA002123尚未在科技部完成人类遗传资源信息备案,本页面只展示部分样本信息。
发布日期 2023-12-14
项目编号 PRJCA008651
提交者 Jinlin  Wang  (hongkui_deng@pku.edu.cn)
提交单位 Peking University
提交日期 2023-06-18


资源名称 描述
GSA-Human (1) -
HRA002123  (Open Access) We transplanted CRISPR-edited CCR5-ablated hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) into a patient with HIV-1 infection and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The acute lymphoblastic leukemia was in complete remission with full donor chimerism, and donor cells carrying the ablated CCR5 persisted for more than 19 months without gene editing-related adverse events. The percentage of CD4+ cells with CCR5 ablation increased by a small degree during a period of antiretroviral-therapy interruption. Although we achieved successful transplantation and long-term engraftment of CRISPR-edited HSPCs, the percentage of CCR5 disruption in lymphocytes was only approximately 5%, which indicates the need for further research into this approach.
Samples (1)