Accession SAMC3144413
Sample name AOMDSSFnKrasG12D7
Title 16s rRNA sequencing of mouse: adult colon
Sample type Metagenome or environmental sample
Organism metagenome
Description Differentially abundant genera between Villin-Cre/KrasG12D+/- mice and WT littermates that treated by AOM (10mg/kg) /DSS (2.5%) and F. nucleatum every two days for four weeks.
Isolation source
Collection date2019-08-30
Geographic locationChina: Shanghai
Latitude and longitude31.15 N 121.30 E
Reference for biomaterial
Relationship to oxygen
Sample collection device or method
Sample material processing
Sample size
source material identifiers
Release date 2023-12-18
BioProject Accession PRJCA020969
Submitter Huanlong  Qin  (
Organization Shanghai Tenth Peolple's Hospital
Submission date 2023-11-01

Sample Data

Resource name Description
GSA (1) -
CRA013276 Differentially abundant genera between Villin-Cre/KrasG12D+/- mice and WT littermates that treated by AOM/DSS and F. nucleatum