Accession SAMC610883
Sample name BSDBD4
Title Amplicon-seq of tomato rhizosphere
Sample type Metagenome or environmental sample
Organism plant metagenome
Description To Explore the tomato rhizosphere associated microbiota in different areas of China
Isolation sourceTomato rhizosphere
Collection date2018-07-10
Geographic locationChina: Shandong
Latitude and longitude37.35N 119.23E
Reference for biomaterialNone
Relationship to oxygenaerobe
Sample collection device or methodDry ice box
Sample material processing
Sample size
source material identifiers
Release date 2022-02-24
BioProject Accession PRJCA008428
Submitter Xin  Zhou  (
Organization Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission date 2022-02-25

Sample Data

Resource name Description
GSA (1) -
CRA006199 Tomato synthetic microbiota
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