Accession SAMEA111363998
Title SARS-CoV-2/human/Norway/OUS-10582/2021/1
Organism Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Sample type Generic
host health state not provided
host scientific name Homo sapiens
collection date 2021-06-25
Authors Mona Holberg-Petersen, Lise Andresen, Cathrine Fladeby, Mariann Nilsen, Teodora Plamenova Ribarska, P��l Marius Bj��rnstad, Gregor D. Gilfillan, Arvind Yegambaram Meenakshi Sundaram, Kathrine Stene-Johansen, Kamilla Heddeland Instefjord, Hilde Elshaug, Garcia Llorente Ignacio, Jon Br��te, Pedersen Benedikte Nevjen, Line Victoria Moen, Rasmus Riis Kopperud, Hilde Vollan, Olav Hungnes, Karoline Bragstad
host subject id not provided
INSDC last update 2022-09-16T13:36:31Z
host common name Human
host sex not provided
Submitter Id SARS-CoV-2/human/Norway/OUS-10582/2021/1
isolate SARS-CoV-2/human/Norway/OUS-10582/2021
ENA-LAST-UPDATE 2022-09-16
isolation source host-associated not provided
geographic location (country and/or sea) Norway
INSDC center alias Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
INSDC first public 2022-09-16T13:36:31Z
sample name SARS-CoV-2/human/Norway/OUS-10582/2021/1
broker name ELIXIR Norway
geographic location (region and locality) Oslo
INSDC status public
collector name not provided
GISAID Accession ID EPI_ISL_4124484
collecting institution Oslo University Hospital, Department of Microbiology ; P.O.Box 4956 Nydalen, N-0424 Oslo, Norway
External Id SAMEA111363998
INSDC center name Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
Organization EBI
Release date 2022-09-16
Data Source NCBI