Accession SAMN14052612
Title Pathogen: environmental/food/other sample from Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Infantis
Organism Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Infantis
Sample type Pathogen.env.1.0
strain FSIS12028339
collection_date 2020
sub_species enterica
serovar Infantis
sequenced_by United States Department of Agriculture|Food Safety and Inspection Service
geo_loc_name USA:MO
collected_by USDA-FSIS
project_name FSIS Product/Environmental Sampling
purpose_of_sampling Exploratory Sampling
lat_lon missing
food_origin USA:MO
isolation_source Comminuted Turkey
Organization USDA FSIS
Release date 2020-02-06
Data Source NCBI

Sample Data

Resource name Description
BioProject Organism
PRJNA242847 Salmonella enterica