Accession SAMN32803213
Title SARS-CoV-2: clinical or host-associated sample from Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Organism Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Sample type SARS-CoV-2: clinical or host-associated; version 1.0
isolate IA-SHL-1858181
host_disease COVID-19
collection_date 2021-09-19
host Homo sapiens
geo_loc_name USA: Iowa
collected_by State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
purpose_of_sequencing Baseline surveillance
isolation_source clinical
Organization State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Iowa
Release date 2023-01-20
Data Source NCBI

Sample Data

Resource name Description
BioProject Organism
PRJNA736036 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2