Accession SAMN40715903
Title Sample from a human female participant in the dbGaP study "Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI): Enhancement of Data Sharing in Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers"
Organism Homo sapiens
Sample type Generic.1.0
gap_consent_short_name HMB
sex female
gap_sample_id 5848554
submitted sample id 13837
study name Childhood Cancer Data Initiative (CCDI): Enhancement of Data Sharing in Pediatric, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers
study design Clinical Genetic Testing
submitter handle CCDI_PediatricAYACancerTouchstone
submitted subject id f744f7e16f73a2359adb
biospecimen repository CCDI_PediatricAYACancerTouchstone
gap_subject_id 4530480
biospecimen repository sample id 13837
gap_consent_code 1
gap_accession phs002431
Release date 2024-04-02
Data Source NCBI

Sample Data

Resource name Description
BioProject Organism