The Coronavirus GenBrowser was financially supported by grants from National Key Research and Development Project, China (Nos. 2022YFF1203202, 2021YFC0863300, 2020YFC0845900, 2020YFC0847000). The coronavirus genome sequences were obtained from the multiple resources, i.e., CNGBdb, GenBank, GISAID, GWH and NMDC databases. The sequences were collected and maintained by the National Genomics Data Center, China. We thank all the researchers who promptly generated and kindly shared the sequences with the community. The complete list of the sample providers and data submitters is available How to cite: Yu et al. (2022) Coronavirus GenBrowser for monitoring the transmission and evolution of SARS-CoV-2. Brief Bioinform. 23(2):bbab583. [] Yang et al. (2023) Coronavirus GenBrowser 2.0: A super-efficient framework for analyzing and visualizing billions of SARS-CoV-2 genomes. (to be submitted)
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