Dog 10K genomes project

Dog 10K genomes project (dog10K) was sponsored by Yaping Zhang in KIZ, Robert Wayne in UCLA, and Elaine Ostrander in NIH in November 2015. The aim of the Dog10k is to coordinate the global effort on genome sequencing in dogs and build a comprehensive resource for the canine community. Some of our specific questions are oriented toward understanding the evolutionary history of dogs, genetic changes associated with domestication, and relationships of genetic changes to phenotype. We also have a goal to investigate loci involved in canine susceptibility to disease, particularly among certain breeds.
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5-Years Plan



Decipher the demographic history,and genomic effect of artificial selection early in domestication.


Identify the genetic basis of inherited disease,and various phenotypes and behaviors.


Construct a fine scale genomic map for breeds all over the world. Individual breed history,genes under selection in modern breeds and accumulation of deleterious variation.
Date, November 16, 2015
To: Canine Genomics Community
From: Ya-­‐ping Zhang, Ph.D.
    Robert Wayne, Ph.D.
    Elaine A. Ostrander, Ph.D.

Invitation Letter

Dear Colleagues,
We are developing a consortium to undertake a dramatic complete genome sequencing effort in dogs and gray wolves. We already secured funding for the first stage of 1000 complete genomes (see below) and would like to have your advice and expertise as part of the group archiving and analyzing the sequence date. Some of our specific questions are oriented toward understanding the evolutionary history of dogs, genetic changes associated with domestication and relationships of genetic changes to phenotype.


Date, November 16, 2015
To: Canine Genomics Community

Lastest News

Our most recent publication:COSMIC
COSMIC: mining complete cancer genomes in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer COSMIC detailed description : The Catalogue of Somatic
Tag / Publications
Thursday November 06, 2014
Our most recent publication:COSMIC
COSMIC: mining complete cancer genomes in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer COSMIC detailed description : The Catalogue of Somatic
Tag / Publications
Thursday November 06, 2014
Our most recent publication:COSMIC
COSMIC: mining complete cancer genomes in the Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer COSMIC detailed description : The Catalogue of Somatic
Tag / Publications
Thursday November 06, 2014

Project Consortium

Sponsors (in alphabetical order):

Elaine Ostrander(,
National Human Genome Research Institute, USA.
Robert Wayne (,
University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
Yaping Zhang (,
Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS, China.


Guo-Dong Wang<>, Contact.
Kunming Institute of Zoology, CAS, China.
Wen-Ming Zhao <>, Database, Website.
Beijing Genomic Institute, CAS, China.
Zhen Sun<>, Sequencing,
Novogene Corporation, China.