

Source Modifiers

The design of source modifiers in GenBase is inspired by source modifiers table from GenBank database in NCBI.We inherit modifiers from GenBank and add our specific modifiers. The Microsoft xlsx template is provided to the users in the submission page. It is also provided with tips and control vocabulary.
User should fill in the "Source Modifiers Table" sheet in the template file. If the value of modifier is controlled, you can find the controlled vocabulary of the value in the worksheet named control word.
The Modifiers can be divided into three parts,

Required Modifiers

     GenBase has some mandatory items, such as Sequence_ID and Collection_date. This design allows users to fill in the source modifiers table as flexibly as possible. Please note that the Sequence_ID must correspond to the SeqID in FASTA file and cannot be less than or greater than.

Optional but recommended

     These modifiers are recommended by GenBase, which you can uniquely identify your samples from the same organism with them.


     These modifiers are optional.
Description of each modifier
Type Modifiers Description
RequiredSequence_IDSeqid for each sequence
RequiredCollection_dateDate the specimen was collected.
Optional but recommendedCloneName of clone from which sequence was obtained, typically an alphanumeric ID.
Optional but recommendedCountry/RegionThe country where the sequence's organism was located. May also be an ocean or major sea. Additional region or locality information must be after the country name and separated by a ':'. For example: USA: Riverview Park, Ripkentown, MD. Validated values are available at the control words sheet.
Optional but recommendedHostWhen the sequence submission is from an organism that exists in a symbiotic, parasitic, or other special relationship with some second organism, the 'host' modifier can be used to identify the name of the host species.
Optional but recommendedHost_sexSex of Host
Optional but recommendedHost_ageAge of Host
Optional but recommendedIsolateIndividual isolate from which the sequence was obtained, typically an alphanumeric sample ID.
Optional but recommendedIsolation_sourceDescribes the physical, environmental and/or local geographical source of the biological sample from which the sequence was derived.
Optional but recommendedSpecimen_voucherAn identifier of the individual or collection of the source organism and the place where it is currently stored, usually an institution. This should be provided using the following format 'institution-code:collection-code:specimen-id'. specimen-id is mandatory, collection-code is optional; institution-code is mandatory when collection-code is provided. Examples: 99-SRNP or UAM:Mamm:52179 or personal collection:Joe Smith:99-SRNP
Optional but recommendedStrainStrain of organism from which sequence was obtained. For microbial records, the strain is an alphanumeric identifier that may be designated in any manner, for example, it may be based on the name of an individual or locality. As an example, for Escherichia coli K12, "K12" is the strain name/identifier.
OptionalOrganelle/LocationThe default Location for all sequences is 'Genomic'. If the sequence is not genomic, select the alternative organelle/location from the control words sheet. Details can be found here.
OptionalAltitudeAltitude in meters above or below sea level of where the sample was collected.
OptionalAuthorityThe author or authors of the organism name from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalBio_materialAn identifier for the biological material from which the nucleotide sequence was obtained, with optional institution code and collection code for the place where it is currently stored. This should be provided using the following format 'institution-code:collection-code:material_id'. material_id is mandatory, institution-code and collection-code are optional; institution-code is mandatory when collection-code is present. This qualifier should be used to annotate the identifiers of material in biological collections which include zoos and aquaria, stock centers, seed banks, germplasm repositories and DNA banks.
OptionalBiotypeVariety of a species (usually a fungus, bacteria, or virus) characterized by some specific biological property (often geographical, ecological, or physiological). Same as biotype.
OptionalBiovarSee biotype
OptionalBreedThe named breed from which sequence was obtained (usually applied to domesticated mammals).
OptionalCell_lineCell line from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalCell_typeType of cell from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalChemovarVariety of a species (usually a fungus, bacteria, or virus) characterized by its biochemical properties.
OptionalCollected_byName of person who collected the sample.
OptionalCultivarCultivated variety of plant from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalCulture_collectionInstitution code and identifier for the culture from which the nucleotide sequence was obtained, with optional collection code. This should be provided using the following format 'institution-code:collection-code:culture-id'. culture-id and institution-code are mandatory. This qualifier should be used to annotate live microbial and viral cultures, and cell lines that have been deposited in curated culture collections.
OptionalDev_stageDevelopmental stage of organism.
OptionalEcotypeThe named ecotype (population adapted to a local habitat) from which sequence was obtained (customarily applied to populations of Arabidopsis thaliana).
OptionalFormaThe forma (lowest taxonomic unit governed by the nomenclatural codes) of organism from which sequence was obtained. This term is usually applied to plants and fungi.
OptionalForma_specialisThe physiologically distinct form from which sequence was obtained (usually restricted to certain parasitic fungi).
OptionalFwd_primer_nameName of forward PCR primer
OptionalFwd_primer_seqNucleotide sequence of forward PCR primer
OptionalGenotypeGenotype of the organism.
OptionalHaplogroupName for a group of similar haplotypes that share some sequence variation
OptionalHaplotypeHaplotype of the organism.
OptionalIdentified_byName of the person or persons who identified by taxonomic name the organism from which the sequence was obtained
OptionalLab_hostLaboratory host used to propagate the organism from which the sequence was obtained.
OptionalLat_LonLatitude and longitude, in decimal degrees, of where the sample was collected.
OptionalNoteAny additional information that you wish to provide about the sequence.
OptionalPathovarVariety of a species (usually a fungus, bacteria or virus) characterized by the biological target of the pathogen. Examples include Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato and Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tabaci.
OptionalPop_variantName of the population variant from which the sequence was obtained
OptionalRev_primer_nameName of reverse PCR primer
OptionalRev_primer_seqNucleotide sequence of reverse PCR primer
OptionalSegmentName of viral or phage segment sequenced
OptionalSerogroupVariety of a species (usually a fungus, bacteria, or virus) characterized by its antigenic properties. Same as serogroup and serovar.
OptionalSerotypeSee Serogroup
OptionalSerovarSee Serogroup
OptionalSexSex of the organism from which the sequence was obtained.
OptionalSub_speciesSubspecies of organism from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalSubcloneName of subclone from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalSubtypeSubtype of organism from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalSubstrainSub-strain of organism from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalTissue_libTissue library from which the sequence was obtained.
OptionalTissue_typeType of tissue from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalTypeType of organism from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalVarietyVariety of organism from which sequence was obtained.
OptionalCommentsAdditional comments for each Sequence
Please download source modifier standard file.