Identification of the Regulatory Network of Autophagy and Novel Autophagic Genes in Normal Spermatogenesis and Male Infertility via Single-Cell Transcriptome Analysis
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Autophagy has been implicated to be involved in spermatogenesis and dysfunction of autophagy can lead to male infertility. However, sophisticated transcriptional signatures of autophagic genes in spermatogenesis and its significance remain uncharacterized. Here, we explore the transcriptional profiling of autophagy-related genes across human spermatogenesis in donors with normal fertility and nonobstructive azoospermia (NOA) patient using single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) analysis. Core component gene sets in each step of autophagy exhibit stage-specific expression pattern in human spermatogenesis, which is further confirmed by immunostaining; in this context, we further uncover a unique stage-specific enrichment of a cohort autophagy-related genes. Human-to-mouse comparison analysis reveals that this stage-specific expression pattern of autophagy-related genes is highly conserved in mammals and dysregulation of this pattern is associated with human male infertility.
Data Accessibility:   
Controlled access Request Data
Study type:
Disease Study
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Data Access Committee

For each controlled access study, there is a corresponding Data Access Committee(DAC) to determine the access permissions. Access to actual data files is not managed by NGDC.

DAC name:
Southern Medical University
Contact person:
Zhao Xiaoyang
We will comply with the regulations of the Data Access Committee (DAC) to determine whether to release data
Individuals & samples
Submitter:   Zhao Xiaoyang /
Organization:   Southern Medical University
Submission date:   2020-09-08
Requests:   6