Genomic profiling and prognostic value analysis of genetic alterations in Chinese resected lung cancer with invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma
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Invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma (IMA) of the lung is a distinct histological subtype with unique clinical and pathological features. Despite previous genomic studies on lung IMA, the genetic characteristics and the prognosis-related biomarkers in Chinese surgically resected lung IMA remain unclear. We collected 76 surgically resected primary tumors of invasive lung adenocarcinoma, including 51 IMA and 25 non-mucinous adenocarcinomas (non-IMA). Comprehensive genomic profiling based on targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) of 425 genes was explored and genomic characteristics were evaluated for the correlation with postoperative disease-free survival (DFS). Our study provided genomic insights into Chinese surgically resected lung IMA. We also identified several genomic features that may serve as potential biomarkers on postoperative recurrence in IMA patients with stage III disease.
Data Accessibility:   
Controlled access Request Data
Study type:
Cohort Study
Disease name:
lung cancer
Data Access Committee

For each controlled access study, there is a corresponding Data Access Committee(DAC) to determine the access permissions. Access to actual data files is not managed by NGDC.

DAC name:
Zhejiang Cancer Hospital_IMA
Contact person:
Zhang Xian
This DAC contains 4 members, Has the permission to control the download of DATA.
Individuals & samples
Submitter:   Jiang Youhua /
Organization:   Cancer Hospital of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Zhejiang Cancer Hospital
Submission date:   2020-11-19
Requests:   -