Characteristics of pan-cancer patients research with ultrahigh tumor mutation burden
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Tumor mutation burden has been proven to be a good predictor for the efficacy of immunotherapy, especially in patients with hypermutation. However, most research focused on the analysis of hypermutation in individual tumors, and there is a lack of integrated research on the hypermutation across different cancers. This study aimed to characterize hypermutated patients to distinguish between these patients and nonhypermutated patients. Among the 5,980 tumor samples, 1,164 were selected as samples with hypermutation. Compared with the nonhypermutated group, a significant increase in the mutation rates of DNA mismatch repair genes and polymerase genes was detected in the hypermutated group, and there was an overlap between high TMB and high microsatellite instability or high PD-L1. At the same time, the somatic cell characteristics and distribution of the two groups were significantly different.
Data Accessibility:   
Controlled access Request Data
Study type:
Cohort Study
Disease name:
Data Access Committee

For each controlled access study, there is a corresponding Data Access Committee(DAC) to determine the access permissions. Access to actual data files is not managed by NGDC.

DAC name:
Chinese pancancer study
Contact person:
He Ji
Based on Genecast cancer panel detecting system, we collected a series of cancer sample including FFPE, cfDAN and BC for pancancer study
Individuals & samples
Submitter:   He Ji /
Organization:   Company Name: Genecast Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Submission date:   2021-06-16
Requests:   -