Restrictions and advantages of circulating tumor DNA in monitoring the prognosis of gastric cancer patients
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Genomic profiling underpinned by next-generation sequencing has enabled biomarker detection by circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) liquid biopsy. However, the efficiency of mutation calling and the prognostic value of ctDNA biomarkers were disputative. In this study, we enrolled 24 gastric cancer patients whose plasma ctDNA and tumor tissue DNA were sequenced by a 605 gene sequencing panel. The mutation concordances between plasma ctDNA and tumor tissue DNA were 70.6% and 30.2% in stage III or stage IV gastric cancer patients respectively, demonstrating an unsatisfactory mutation detection rate in stage III and perhaps early-stage cancer. The fluctuation of variant allele frequencies of frequently mutated genes has shown superior accuracy in reflecting disease burden compared to total cfDNA load and blood tumor mutation burden. It was also a good prognosis indicator compared to serum biomarkers
Data Accessibility:   
Open access
Study type:
Cohort Study
Disease name:
gastrointestinal system cancer
Individuals & samples
Submitter:   Chen Shifu /
Organization:   HaploX Biotechnology Co., Ltd
Submission date:   2021-07-01