Ancient genomes illuminate the spatial genetic continuity between the Middle and Lower Yellow River
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Shandong province, located in the Lower Yellow River, is one of the birthplaces of ancient Chinese civilisation. However, the comprehensive genetic histories of this region have remained largely unknown until now due to a lack of ancient human genomes. Here, we presented 21 ancient genomes from Shandong dating from the Han Dynasty to the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Unlike the early Neolithic samples from Shandong, the historical samples were most closely related to post-Late Neolithic populations of the Middle Yellow River Basin, suggesting a population turnover during the Neolithic to the Historical Era. We detected a genetic similarity between the historical samples in Shandong and present-day Han Chinese, showing long-term genetic stability in Han Chinese since the Han dynasty.
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Open access
Study type:
Ancients or Fossils
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Individuals & samples
Submitter:   Wang Chuan-Chao /
Organization:   Institute of Anthropology
Submission date:   2024-01-24